Potato Festival has cemented itself as one of my favorite New Orleans events. The
event, held at a local elementary school, allowed me to spend more time with
the community relative to the other service events I attended. I got to work
with the students as they made sweet potato smoothies using a bike blender, a bicycle
flipped on its back and chained to a blender base. I honestly don’t know who
was more excited about the bike blender; me or the youths.
Deshawn, an absurdly bright second grader,
talked to me about the gardening program at the school and explained how they
learn to grow vegetables and learn to cook healthy foods with their garden. I
couldn’t help feeling a little jealous as I wished I had a garden at my elementary
school. However, I was more impressed with the attendance at the festival, how
well the community came together, the number of vendors and volunteers working
for free, and the fact that Deshawn, a second grader, knew what a dicot was.
other news, the weather here in New Orleans is finally cooling down. It’s no Boston,
but I’ll take the 50 degrees over the 95 we had earlier this year. Fortunately,
Thanksgiving is coming up, so I’ll have my fair share of cold in a few weeks. But
before then I still have 2 block exams, some MCAT material to work through and
lab work to get done. I don’t think the
break could come any sooner.
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